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Hello! My name's Leonel, although everyone calls me Leo, and I'm the webmaster of this site. So let's go over the basics: I'm a 18 year old argentinian autistic guy with a huge passion for anything tech related. My biggest hobbies are coding, drawing and playing videogames, although I'm not very good at any of them.

In terms of personality I'm not quite sure what to say... People often describe me as reserved and quiet, maybe even dry or monotone, but I can be cool if we're close. I think. Okay, not really.

A thing about me is that I've felt a huge connection to computers and other technological devices all my life. Ever since I started playing Club Penguin all day on my mom's laptop when I was five, probably. Being an undiagnosed autistic kid, my blunt answers, my overall seriousness and my obsession with perfection or acurracy came off as weird to my classmates, so I often got compared to a computer or calculator; but I wasn't really offended by it. Instead it's something I've kind of "reclaimed", in a way. These experiences lead me to have some sort of connection or affection for computers and technology all my life :)
How did you get into coding?
I've been coding for a little over a year now! It all started when i joined a retro website called Spacehey, a recreation of the original MySpace website. I already had some previous HTML knowledge but I didn't really get into it until I decided to code my own spacehey profile from scratch. It motivated me to start coding a personal website and, well. Here we are!

What do you use to make your website?
A bunch of this code was written in Notepad++, which is a pretty good editor, but lately I've switched to using Visual Studio Code instead. Besides that, this website is currently being tested in a 1024x768 monitor (yeah, that's a really old monitor) on a Windows 10 PC running google chrome. You might need to adjust your zoom configuration to view my site properly, sorry!

Any inspirations?
Mostly other neocities sites! I also really like to play around a lot with different layouts with a lot of different inspirations for each of them. For example, the layout youre currently reading this on is very inspired by various 80s New Wave aesthetics and design, but most of my pages are really inspired by certain currents or styles originated in the 2000s web.

If any of these is a hyperlink, then I have a shrine for it
My favorite...
Videogame: Sonic Adventure 2
Movie: The Matrix (1999)
Music Genre: Synth-Pop
Band: Fall Out Boy, New Order, Virus
Book series: Sherlock Holmes. I am very normal about it. Color: Blue
TV Show: Los Simuladores
Season: Autumn
Animal: Pidgeons, penguins, cats, seals, foxes... too many to name!

videogame consoles, console hacking, 2000s and 80s aesthetics, classic arcade games, astronomy, math, lost media, malware, retro technology

i really like new wave and synth-pop in general. also a bit of argentinian rock :)
a-ha, fall out boy, depeche mode, duran duran, electronic, information society, kraftwerk, my chemical romance, new order, oingo boingo, old panic! at the disco, orchestral manoeuvers in the dark, pet shop boys, soda stereo, strawberry switchblade, talking heads, tears for fears, the B-52s, the smiths, virus, wham!

Film & TV
back to the future, batman movies, braindead (dead alive), electric dreams (1984), ghostbusters, gotham, hermanos y detectives, jojo's bizarre adventure, littlest pet shop (2012), los simuladores, re-animator, scott pilgrim vs. the world, an embarrasing amount of sherlock holmes adaptations, the fly (1986), the matrix. i also like certain directors like Damian Szifron and David Cronenberg :)

ace attorney, animal crossing, club penguin, jet set radio, mario galaxy, mario kart, pokemon, project diva / mirai, sonic the hedgehog, stardew valley, tetris, the legend of zelda, galaga, pacman, centipede, galaxian, dig dug... a lot of arcade games basically. i am very bad at them though.

sherlock holmes, dr. jekyll & mr. hyde, the picture of dorian gray, frankenstein . . . i cant think of much i dont read a lot
Contact me:
Tumblr, if you want to check out my art
Twitter, if you want to check out my art (spanish edition)
SpaceHey, if you uh... I don't do much over there.
You can also email me.

Mario Santos - Los Simuladores Herbert West - Re-animator Ash Williams - Evil Dead Marty McFly - Back to the Future Edgar - Electric Dreams (1984) John Watson - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson Ronald Howard's Sherlock Holmes, 1954 Shadow The Hedgehog - Sonic The Hedgehog franchise Silver The Hedgehog - Sonic The Hedgehog franchise Giorno Giovanna - JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure Trish Una - JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure Pannacotta Fugo - JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attorney Trucy Wright - Ace Attorney Audrey Horne - Twin Peaks
(not very) FUN FACTS
1. thats me on the left! in absolute shit quality

2. im actually half-slovenian on my moms side. i dont tend to mention it a lot because i know next to nothing about the culture and dont really consider myself to be slovenian because of it. im definitely learning the language one day though

3. i tend to collect useless technology for absolutely no reason. they get bonus points if theyre at least 30 years old. my favorite ones so far are my 2 90s digital agendas in absolutely pristine condition i cant really get to work.

4. im running out of ideas already. i have accidentally stolen at least 5 books in the past 3 years.

5. i am the pickiest eater i know. im not exaggerating whatsoever

6. i have run out of ideas completely but im definitely adding more to this eventually