★ 12/12/24 : 16:53pm

I haven't written here in two months...! I finished high school today. It really does happen on a random thursday afternoon.

★ 11/10/24 : 11:33pm

ayer me compararon a uno de mis personajes favoritos... hay pocas sensaciones tan lindas tbh...

★ 08/10/24 : 21:29pm

dios como amo los fandoms chiquititos.... somos 10 en total nos conocemos todos no hay nada de beef todo re tranqui es lo mejor que me pasó

★ 01/10/24 : 19:22pm

espere 30 min a que se hiciera un budin y me quedo sumamente gomoso e incomible.... y si esta fuera la ultima gota del vaso

★ 28/09/24 : 13:22pm

salí con mis amigos ayer a caminar al río, habré hecho patito unas 20 veces ponele y aún así me duele TODO el cuerpo... yo de verdad no se que hice para merecer esto no hice ningún esfuerzo físico la puta madre

★ 24/09/24 : 18:31pm

my carry disk is here!!!!!!!!!! ive been downloading games for my wii the entire day im so excited you guys have no idea. im going to write a blog entry about this as a follow up to my latest videogame blog one but ill be doing that whenever i actually get to fix my brothers friends PS3. if i manage to anyway

★ 15/09/24 : 19:51pm

look at my windows theme (click on it so you can actually see it if you want) ive been playing around with it all day. i should be studying but i do not care. soy el gordo compu mas feliz del mundo con mi theme de virgen de mierda

★ 11/09/24 : 19:34pm

today has been such a busy day so far!!!!!! i dont know if i like it!!! so far i went to school, then had IT class, then had advanced math class and now in like 30 mins i have PE im sooo done i only had 2 web surfing hours... this is torture... but to be fair i did have a pretty good time today in general i like spending time with friends even if its studying LOL

also completely random ocurrence but today i had to practically come out again as bi to my friends and we had someone else come out as STRAIGHT LMFAOO the thing about having long-lasting friends is that knowing each other since we were like 12 means weve changed A LOT... and like neither me or my friend had any idea of how to go "hey actually im not this im that even though i was so sure when i was 12" but i mean its kind of crazy m really glad we were able to clear that up. it was funny as fuck though im not going to lie

★ 02/09/24 : 17:34pm

as per usual i dont have a lot to say here. i find this a bit cathartic so im taking the time to do it anyway. i had the exam i talked a bit about in the previous entry and god im pretty sure i failed it horribly. all i can do right now is hope the teacher has a bit of compassion i REALLY hope i dont fail that exam

well anyway. on a completely unrelated note ive been mostly just watching an obscene amount of sherlock holmes media (mostly the 80s soviet series that is just. SO good. i watched like 3 hours of it consecutively) and drawing a lot too honestly. in fact im drawing so much im scared ill get art block soon. i keep having these cycles where i draw wayy too much and finish a lot of full pieces in a short amount of time to then get the worst art block ever that leaves me completely useless for like a week or two. its a curse and im dreading it

★ 29/08/24 : 19:47pm

arrancando de vuelta a escribir aca por recomendacion de mi queridisima amiga oli . igual no hice mucho hoy, tengo que estudiar para un examen mañana que me tiene preocupadisimo pero bueno no se toca rezar un poco y quedarse hasta tarde hoy. el otro dia me saque un 10/10 en el examen de logica igual asi que si cago este examen al menos tengo el de logica para no sentirme mal. mmm bueno fuera de eso no tengo mucho que comentar, estoy mucho mas enfocado en dibujar y estudiar que en esta pagina ultimamente y siento que la tengo medio abandonada, igual es que no actualizo por 3 dias y me siento culpable jajsjs pero bueno nada eventualmente tengo que volver. tema es que no tengo muchas ideas y como siento que tengo todas las paginas mas o menos completadas en realidad no se que actualizar. ya me van a venir las ideas, ahora toda mi imaginacion esta enfocada en hacer fanarts de los simuladores, eso es lo que pasa

★ 22/08/24 : 18:24pm

como update al coso anterior tuve el examen y CREO que me fue bien aunque todavia no tengo la nota y siento que la estoy re mufando ahora. ah y tambien me termine hermanos y detectives quede DESTROZADO dios que perfecta representacion de la hermandad argentina es realmente increible me tengo que hacer una seccion en el media log para hablar de pelis y series asi escribo pura bobada de esa serie ahi. inexplicable lo que llore con el ultimo capitulo

me quedan creo q dos o tres pelis y me termino todos los proyectos que hay en letterboxd de szifron. bueno menos la pelicula de los simuladores que SE RETRASO ustedes pueden creerrrrrr me voy a morir de viejo antes de que la saquen loco paramount ponete las pilas

★ 20/08/24 : 17:00pm

mmbueno no tengo mucho que decir hoy se supone que deberia estar estudiando para un examen de LOGICA que tengo mañana dios que paja pero ando procrastinando viendome hermanos y detectives. es mas estoy en una mision para verme todas las pelis/series cortas de szifron que hay en letterboxd en el menor tiempo posible

nada que ver pero estaba pensando el otro dia que tener a santos ahi al lado en esta pagina es un tanto ironico . creo que le daria una taquicardia si viera como diseño mis paginas jasjsjjjjj estaria esteticamente incomodo

★ 16/08/24 : 16:05pm

not much to say today but i wanted to make some very slight changes to the microblog layout so i GUESS ill also write an entry. ive been having really good luck when it comes to not handing in this specific I.T homework its actually shocking me. i was supposed to hand it in two weeks ago but at least a 90% of the class didnt so the teacher set the deadline for next monday. we do not have classes on mondays. this was a perfect chance to feign confusion and not have it ready for the actual next class, that was on friday. so she sets the deadline for next wednesday. next wednesday... was a holiday. so friday again it is! except we had an extracurricular activity and therefore did not have class on the first period. genuienly i do not know why im having so much luck when it comes to this specific homework, but im definitely not complaining

bueno ahora en español porque voy a hablar de los simuladores de vuelta ME TERMINE LA SERIEE que terribleee es la mejor produccion argentina que vi hasta la fecha y me tiene hecho mierda porque ya habia incorporado ver un capitulo de los simuladores a mi rutina diaria
yo la verdad espero se pongan las pilas con la pelicula que se supone salia este año porque no se cuanto tiempo voy a durar antes de caer en depresion sin los simus

igual no se que me hago el pobrecito si despues me la voy a ver como 3 veces mas conociendome. es mas, ayer a las 12 de la noche me puse a ver de vuelta uno de mis capitulos favoritos (temporada 2, ep.8) y lo termine recien a la una. y al dia siguiente tenia clases. estaba hecho un zombie hoy pero valio la pena

★ 13/08/24 : 20:27pm

hoy en español pq voy a hablar de los simuladores. chicos me queda solo el ultimo capitulo por ver. tengo miedo. desarrollé una dependencia emocional con mario santos. igual conociéndome me voy a ver la serie mil veces mas y la voy a referenciar en mi dia a dia pq soy tremendo pesado pero bueno no importa la estoy pasando mal
maññana no tengo clase asi que planeamos con mi hermano ver el úultimo capitulo a la noche, como si fuera una peliícula, porque al fin y al cabo el episodio dura casi 2 horas tengo entendido. espero esté de puta madre asi la termino bien

bueno ya dejando de romper las bolas con los simuladores - hoy tuve tremendo día del orto y lo peor es que me encantaría tener una buena razon para andar de mal humor pero la verdad la verdad es que ando enojado porque mi hermano me hizo salir 8 minutos tarde de casa asií que se me desacomodó toda mi rutina y estaba enculadísimo. y encima en primera hora tuve clase de MUSICA estaba a dos pasos de partirme la cabeza con uno de los bombos para sacarme de mi miseria

el resto del dia tranqui creo pero de verdad estaba ahí nomas de pedirle a mi vieja que me retire (aunque sé que sería sin éxito) de la escuela hoy fue terrible el aburrimiento combinado con la bronca que pasé afff y por semejante idiotez encima

mmm a ver estoy intentando buscar cosas mas positivas que decir pero lo mejor que me paso en todo el dia fue comer budín creo. que encima hice yo ayer. me salio riquísimo esta vez eh cada dia mejor

chicos que paja es poner tildes en html y encima se ve feo última vez que lo hago aviso

★ 11/08/24 : 22:42pm

same day as before but i dont care i have new thoughts i need to express. i was just thinking about how much i LOVE being able to customize literally anything. i just got spicetify (mostly for other reasons. that do not involve custom themes. im very tired of being a spotify free user) but god picking out themes for it is soooo fun i dont think ive ever stared at my spotify more in my life. also got betterdiscord again after a while n its also very cool. still struggling to find a theme i like but its still awesome.
i think this love for customization of mine is one of the biggest reasons i learned html and css and started coding my own website lol besides being able to bring it up in any conversation i can

★ 11/08/24 : 11:29am

quick entry today - im trying to get over my lip biting habit of like. i dont even know how many years im pretty ive been doing this since i was like 5. its SO harddd and the fact im constantly thinking about it makes me want to tear my skin even more. whatever hopefully ill get better in a couple months.

im also procrastinating studying for a math exam i have tomorrow right now. technically it should be easy enough but im a bit scared because i havent really been paying attention in class lately .. its just so,so boring. i love math but god i keep almost falling asleep during class

tomorrow i also have some sort of "debate" that i havent prepared for whatsoever. im supposed to be preparing for it but in my defense i asked someone to send me the homework im supposed to be doing to study for it and they never really did . so it isnt really my fault i think

★ 06/08/24 : 14:48pm

got my first ever anon hate on tumblr today... this is it ive made it as a tumblr user. still waiting for my art to get reposted with no credit on pinterest though thats when ill know ive made it as an artist

★ 30/7/24 : 20:08pm

hoy en español otra vez jajjj perdon se me da mejor en este idioma. hoy tampoco hice nada pero bueno, me estoy empezando a poner las pilas de vuelta con la escuela y me acaba de dar el art block mas choto del mundo les juro que no puedo ni hacer una linea y ya me esta por dar un colapso nervioso. igual es porque no hice nada mas que dibujar durante los 20 dias que duraron las vacaciones de invierno pero ufa me la estoy pasando terrible quiero volver a dibujar a los mismos 2 personajes que dibujo siempre

★ 25/7/24 : 16:28pm

hoy en español porque puedo y porque quiero - hoy fue el primer dia de clases despues de las vacaciones de invierno. la verdad bastante bien, vi solo a dos de mis tres amigos igual porque el forro seguro se quedo dormido. lo peor es que andaba mandando reels en plena clase de civica. tuvimos un pseudo desayuno en la primera hora hoy como una especie de festejo porque arranca el ultimo cuatrimestre de la secundaria - no entiendo que mierda hay que festejar pero no importa porque me trague una medialuna. estaban pesimas las facturas igual (justo la que fui a agarrar tenia dulce de membrillo Y NUEZ nunca me quise morir tanto comiendome una medialuna) pero no me quejo porque no tuve que poner ni un peso

★ 24/7/24 : 14:55pm

its been WAY too long since i wrote one of these - my wifi adapter stopped working again to absolutely nobody's surprise so i couldn't update for 2 weeks. it was awful. i survived by playing only solitaire and minesweeper for two weeks straight. i think it might have saved my attention span
whatever the point is i have wifi again. unfortunately today is the last day of winter break. i am very upset about this but. i must admit i am excited to see my friends again - never really got the chance to ask them to hangout or anything

★ 19/6/24 : 21:25pm

no actual updates about my life tday but ace attorney investigations 2 is gettinfg an official english release and i cant stop thinking about the fact theyre calling sebastian debeste "eustace winner" WHO is that i am NOT calling him that

★ 14/6/24 : 22:59pm

i keep forgetting to actually write these :/ not entirely sure anything interesting has happened to me lately, though. today was pretty good - i switched seats only for today and talked a lot to a friend i usually cant speak to as much. she gave me some cookies. im starting to feel she feels bad for me because i dont really bring food to school and refuse to waste money on snacks ... i think ill have to be the one to bring some cookies next time.
i also watched Young Frankenstein (1974) with another friend today. it was very fun and the movie was awesome - she always picks the best ones LOL

★ 28/5/24 : 19:43pm

not much to say today, i think. mostly did school stuff like organizing group projects for next week and doing homework but besides that, nothing really interesting happened. i also just woke up - i took a 5 hour nap today. its nice to be more socially active these past few months but god it is exhausting. i need to have these way too long naps at least once or twice a week or ill collapse. anyway, i want to work more on the site but i also have to focus in school and well. whats coming after. im not very excited to be completely honest

★ 27/5/24 : 14:45pm

i got my logic and methodology exam results today. was completely convinced i was failing it but got a 9/10. i unfortunately bet 10 pesos i wouldn't pass the exam and now i owe a friend of mine

i also made some pudding. wasnt personally a fan of it but my mom seemed to like it so whatever. baking is definitely not my thing so i think it turned out pretty good this time in comparison to previous puddings ive made

★ 26/5/24 : 02:34am

finishing this page up as i write this... enjoying a bit of orchestral manoeuvres in the dark and definitely making myself some coffee in a bit. currently thinking about what outfit to wear for school on monday... i like to pretend i dont care about stuff like that but i really do. not in a "i care a lot about my appreance" way its more in a "i really like expressing myself and i need to find an outfit that makes me feel like me" way. plus i like trying out different options i feel like im in an irl dressing up game. once heard someone say they give personalities or names to their different fits like if they were a different character everyday and i think thats SO cool thats what i strive for. i unfortunately always end up wearing the exact same pair of jeans and one of the 45 different pattern shirts i own

what is this . . . ?

hi and welcome to my microblog! this is a space where i type usually very short entries summarizing either my daily occurrences or random thoughts i get throughout the day. my intention is to update this as often as possible - maybe daily or weekly - but i cant promise much since my days tend to be quite uneventful and technology seems to despise me sometimes. these rambles will be shorter and not as relevant as my actual blog entries where i talk about generally more important life updates. the thing is, this space allows me to share moments of my day in a quicker manner without having to redact a proper entry and also will most likely prevent me from forgetting details that i tend to miss when writing a longer entry.

Corazón Delator - Soda Stereo