Watson, all of this fresh air will kill me!
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index: TV Shows Movies Videogames Pastiches Watchlist

✧ Sherlock Holmes Tracking ✧

How do I read this? Most of these should be intuitive enough. Only two things to note: The rating is, as specified, personal, and therefore it isn't an objective opinion and doesn't intend to be. It's based purely on how much I enjoyed each adaptation! The notes are extracts from my own personal writings and as such they may not be that acurrate to how I feel about the series right now, or may be unpopular personal opinons - I only intend to archive all of these little notes and thoughts I had throughout each version.

TV Shows

Name Release / emission date Started Finished Personal rating (1-5) Notes
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
1979 - 1986 31-08-2024 07-11-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • My favorite one so far! Got me back into Sherlock, it's very charming, full of detail and overall super nice and fun to watch.
Sherlock Holmes
1984 - 1994 08-11-2024 07-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Definitive Sherlock Holmes by far
  • Jeremy Brett's interpretation of the character is amazing!!!
  • I didn't particularly like the specials but giving it anything below five stars is unfair
Sherlock Holmes
1954 - 1955 13-12-2024 23-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • I really like Howard's young and energetic interpretation of the character!
  • Holmes and Watson's dynamic is very entertaining and fun to watch
  • Pretty good rendition of Watson's character! He's still kind of meant to be comedic and is a bit dumb at times, but manages to complement Holmes very well.
  • Ended up being one of my favorite adaptations so far. It's great!
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson
1979 - 1980 09-01-2025 16-01-2025 (kind of) ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • I really liked Watson on this show... one of my favorite interpretations ever!
  • Holmes is a bit dull but I like him either way
  • Some of the cases are badly written :( Lots of plot holes and such
  • Character interactions are pretty fun!
Sherlock Holmes
1968 06-02-2025 N/A N/A
  • So many episodes lost! D:


Name Release date Watched Personal rating (1-5) Notes
The Hound of the Baskervilles
31 March 1939 7-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • Basil Rathbone is amazing!
  • I don't like Nigel Bruce's Watson :( He feels too dumbed down, which is fine, but he doesn't match my personal interpretation of the character
  • Takes lots of liberties story-wise that don't make much sense to me. It is essentially the same as the novel but with small insignificant changes?
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
1 September 1939 9-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • I uh… can't remember much. I liked it though.
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
18 September 1942 9-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • I was NOT expecting this much war propaganda. I understand the historical context so I should have expected it but it's a bit hard to watch nowadays.
  • The case is fine I guess
The Pearl of Death
22 September 1944 7-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
  • haha Sherlock messing up... love to see it
  • Pretty fun!
  • Watched way too soon on accident and was very confused at it being contemporaneous
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
29 October 1970 08-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • That rating is completely subjective (so are all of my ratings but PARTICULARLY this one), it's not that good
  • The story kind of feels incomplete and well. There's no actual depiction of Sherlocks private life, just another case
  • I still fucking LOVED IT oh my god. Had the time of my life watching this at 2am
  • Very very fun and charming. Plus it's funny
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Furtive Festivity
14 May 2018 09-11-2024 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • Forgot I had watched this!
  • It's cute, short and well, a bit dumb, but I enjoyed it a lot :)
  • CANON JOHNLOCK... very important
The Great Mouse Detective
2 July 1986 26-12-2024 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • I don't have much to comment on this movie but this was so fun to watch! The interpretation of the characters was super nice and I had a really good time.
My Dearly Beloved Detective
??-??-1986 18-01-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • but seriously i LOVED this movie its very nice. im enamoured with these iterations of holmes and watson!!!
A Study in Terror
01-10-1965 24-01-2025 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • Pretty good!
  • The story is a bit predictable, I think. Overall entertaning though!
  • Very good interpretations of both Holmes and Watson
  • Murder scenes are really bad though LMFAO
The Hound of the Baskervilles
4 May 1969 06-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
  • Loved Peter Cushing as Holmes!
  • I really like the interpretation of both Holmes and Watson
  • Overall very fun movie to watch. I had a very good time
Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking
26 Dec 2004 23-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
  • There's something about this Holmes that I don't like but I can't quite place it. The actor is very similar to Paget's original illustrations but. That's kind of it.
  • Watson on the other hand was pretty good. An active, intelligent and capaple iteration of the character.
  • It has one of the weirdest premises for a Sherlock Holmes case ever and I can't quite fathom how exactly they came up with this and somehow managed to execute it decently.
  • A pretty fun watch overall though
Sherlock: A Case of Evil
25 Oct 2002 23-02-2025 ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
  • Well this was. hm
  • It's a movie alright. I was very mislead by the 4.1 Letterboxd rating. Who the hell rated this movie
  • Very boring very heterosexual Holmes. Cool reimaginings of Watson, Moriarty, Mycroft and Lestrade but the lead falls short which ends up making the movie unbearably boring at times
  • There's a threesome scene. Why am I watching Holmes have a threesome. Where did I go wrong in life
  • Don't trust Letterboxd average ratings. I learnt it the hard way
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
25 Dec 1942 24-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ N/A
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death
17 Sep 1943 25-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
  • This one actually feels like an ACD story!!!!!!!!
  • I was getting so tired of the WW2 movies. sorry. godbles
  • I actually enjoyed this one I can't believe it. I'm warming up to this Watson as well
The Spider Woman
10 Dec 1943 25-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
  • I REALLY enjoyed this one! The story is a pretty fun combination of a lot of the originals that works quite well.
  • The tension between Holmes and the culprit was fun to watch. Honestly the entire thing was very enjoyable - certainly my favorite Rathbone movie so far.
The Scarlet Claw
26 May 1944 26-02-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ N/A


Name Release date Status Personal rating (1-5) Notes
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments
30 Sep 2014 Playing N/A
  • The load times are a bit annoying. Might be my decade old PS3 though.
  • There's also like a 0.5seg input lag that's annoying the shit out of me but it's playable
  • I really like Sherlock's design! Also really like being able to change outfits
  • Some of the minigames are a bit pointless. Almost rage quit on the arm wrestling one


Name Author Publication date Started Finished Personal rating (1-5) Notes
The House of Silk Anthony Horowitz 1 Nov 2011 22-12-2024 13-01-2025 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • peak



TV Shows
