A bit of a disclaimer:
- I assume you've already noticed this if you're using a mobile device but this page is only compatible with desktop browsers due to the drag-and-drop feature, very sorry!
- This is very messy and was entirely done on a random Thursday afternoon. Definitely expect some bugs and errors.
- Despite the fact most if not all the clothes and accessories here are based directly on various Sherlock Holmes adaptations, some of these might be inaccurate to how they actually look on screen and the colors may be off… I don't actually have a good excuse; it's mostly a lack of proper reference or of a colorized version, combined with a bit of laziness. I do hope the references are enjoyable either way.
- I am always open to other outfits ideas or recommendations! Send me an email if you have any to share and I'd be glad to add them :]
CLicking on the link will open the images I've used as reference on a new tab.Holmes:
Black suit, black overcoat with brown waistcoat, black pants, black beret, grey jabot: Sidney Paget illustrations
Red and brown suit, round glasses, greyish blue apron, greyish red vest: “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона)”, 1979 – 1986, Vasily Livanov
Blanket and black scarf, grey dressing gown with white sleeping gown, purple scarf, top hat: Granada’s “Sherlock Holmes”, 1984 – 1994, Jeremy Brett
Inverness cape, light brown suit, boots and deer-stalker hat: “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”, 1979 – 1980, Geoffrey Whitehead
Bright purple dressing gown: “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, 1959, Peter Cushing
Orange dressing gown: Based on a colored publicity photo of William Gillette's Sherlock Holmes interpretation.
Black dressing gown, grey overcoat, green coat, inverness cape and deer-stalker: Sherlock Holmes 1939 film series, Basil Rathbone
Greyish turquoise Inverness cape and deer-stalker hat, blue suit, red fingerless gloves: “The Hound of the Baskervilles”, 1959, Peter Cushing (Especifically based on the digitally colored versions of the B&W pictures)
Pinkish red dressing gown, brown pants: “The Great Mouse Detective”, 1986
Pale suit, shoulder-worn sweater, straw boater, white gloves: Deleted beekeeping scene from Granada’s “Sherlock Holmes”, 1984 – 1994, Jeremy Brett
White shirt with black vest: “My Dearly Beloved Detective”, 1986, Yekaterina Vasilyeva
Black and brown scarf with white and red stripes: “Young Sherlock Holmes”, 1985, Nicholas Rowe
Dark blue overcoat, white shirt, patterned grey waistcoat, dark blue pants, blue hat, belt, striped cravat: “Sherlock Holmes”, 2009, Robert Downey Jr.
Dark brown suit, black bowler hat: Sidney paget illustrations
Houndstooth suit with cardigan, hat with goggles, purple brown trilby hat, orange suit, black striped overcoat, white cravat: “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона)”, 1979 – 1986, Vitaly Solomin
Brown suit, gloves and bowler hat with light brown overcoat: Granada’s “Sherlock Holmes”, 1984 – 1994, David Burke
Suspenders, tilted bowler hat, dark turquoise and magenta scarf, grey suit, warm grey overcoat, dark brown gloves: “Sherlock Holmes” – 2009, Jude Law
Grey dressing gown: “Sherlock Holmes”, 1954 – 1955, Howard Marion-Crawford
Dark purple coat, red sweater, lilac pants: “The Great Mouse Detective”, 1986
Green suit with knickerbockers, grey overcoat, light blue scarf, panama (?) hat: Deleted beekeeping scene from Granada’s “Sherlock Holmes”, 1984 – 1994, Edward Hardwicke
Greyish turquoise (?) suit: “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”, 1979 – 1980, Donald Pickering
Light green scarf: “My Dearly Beloved Detective”, 1986, Galina Simonova Black and brown scarf with white and red stripes, pale hat: “Young Sherlock Holmes”, 1985, Alan Cox
Green checkered suit, yellow striped waistcoat, green checkered hat: Sherlock Holmes 1939 film series, Nigel Bruce